Apprenticeships at Leister: I Process “Pizza Orders”

Leister Insight13 Apr 2024
Roxana Reinhard has been completing her apprenticeship at Leister AG in Kägiswil since August 2022 as a commercial clerk with a Swiss federal certificate of proficiency. In this interview, she tells us why she chose this apprenticeship at Leister.

Author: Roxana Reinhard, commercial clerk with a Swiss federal certificate of proficiency, Leister Technologies AG; interview: Anja Wieder, Corporate Communications Manager, Leister AG

Why did you decide to do a Business Apprenticeship?

Honestly, I found it difficult to decide what to study in the second year of high school. Because in my opinion, this is quite a young age to set your path for the future. Fortunately, trial apprenticeships as a pharmaceutical assistant at a pharmacy, as a mediamatician at a trade business and as a commercial clerk at a bank and at Leister helped me to make a decision. In the end, the commercial clerk apprenticeship at Leister appealed to me the most because of the good basic training and all paths being open to me after my apprenticeship – whether in marketing, accounting or human resources (HR).

And why Leister in particular?

Firstly, I think I decided to do an apprenticeship at Leister because I can use foreign languages here more often, especially English. This was an important aspect for me. Secondly, the people and supervisors I met during the trial apprenticeship were so friendly and helpful that they left a lasting impression on me.

Your supervisors must have given you a very friendly welcome on your first day. Can you still remember that day?

Yes, it was a very exciting day with a lot of new information. Firstly, in the morning, our training supervisor, Erika Windlin, greeted all the apprentices before we were photographed for our badges. Then we listened to a presentation on “Posting on social networks” and then had lunch together, where we got to talk to each other for the first time. The afternoon flew by as we went on a tour of the cockpit with Erika and were introduced to our colleagues.

Which departments have you discovered during your training?

Back then, around one and a half years ago, it all started with Purchasing. I spent the first year of my apprenticeship here. During this time, I was responsible for office supplies and processed what are known as “pizza orders.”

So, pizzas for everyone’s lunch?

(laughs) No, it has nothing to do with pizza. I ordered various smaller materials needed for the development of our hot air tools. I also checked the order confirmations received from the supplier and entered them into the system.

And what happened in the second year of the apprenticeship?

At the beginning of the second year of my apprenticeship, I took the plunge into Exports. There, among other things, I created order confirmations and shipping documents that are required for customs clearance. And I was now also working at the reception desk every other Wednesday. A workplace where I really enjoy working.

What is so special about reception for you?

I look after external customers there, both over the phone and on site. There’s a variety of work and a lot of fun. I also enjoy working in Human Resources (HR), where I currently work and process employees joining and leaving the company.

So you enjoy working at various departments at Leister. That’s good to hear. So far, where have you enjoyed working the most and why?

What I particularly appreciate about my apprenticeship is the variety. So it never gets boring. As I am lucky enough to have worked in four departments during my apprenticeship – Purchasing, Exports, HR and Accounting – I can continue my training in my preferred area after my apprenticeship. It’s difficult to say at the moment because I haven't been to all the departments yet. I also think it’s great that we have brief assignments in other departments during the apprenticeship, so we get to know the Leister company even better. For example, I was also in Production, where I got the chance to help with the manufacture and assembly of the various hand tools for a week. I really enjoyed it and it showed me once again that we wouldn’t have any work in the office without the people in production.

After a year and a half of my apprenticeship, I can say that I’ve really enjoyed every department I’ve been in so far. The teams and people are different but all very nice, friendly and courteous. The work is fun and the time is flying, which is a good sign.

What are you currently studying at school?

We are learning a lot at the moment. We are currently in the home stretch in computer science and math, as the two final exams are coming up soon. In French, we are currently working on the subjunctive and are preparing for our language trip to La Rochelle at the beginning of June.

What is your favorite subject and why?

My favorite subject is math. I like the logical and systematic way of thinking. I also think it is one of the most important subjects alongside German and foreign languages.

And what are you less good at?

Nobody’s perfect, including me. I’m impatient and sometimes take a little longer to make a decision. And I’d like to speak French fluently, but I’m a bit behind.

Do you already know what you’ll do after your commercial apprenticeship?

After my apprenticeship, I would first like to work in my profession and gain experience. Which department or sector that will be, I’m still not sure.

Would you recommend an apprenticeship at Leister to your friends, and why?

Yes, because Leister is a great training company that takes good care of its apprentices. This starts with apprentice support. Throughout the apprenticeship, we are supported by practical trainers in the various departments. They explain the tasks to us, help if anything is unclear and perform an assessment interview at the end of each semester. I really appreciate that because it allows me to keep developing.

How much free time do you have now? And what do you do with it?

My free time is very limited because my training and the resulting benefits are very important to me. But when I have time, I like to go out into nature, bake a cake or draw.

Are you Interested in Training with the Leister Group?

If you are interested in training with the Leister Group, you can find more information here
Erika Windlin, Head of Training, will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

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Erika Windlin

Erika Windlin works as Manager Human Resources at Leister AG and is the contact person for employee recruitment, employee support and employee development. She also manages the training department and is responsible for the quality of our apprentices' training.