

Our goal is to improve the quality of life of people worldwide – with innovative products and services, with new technologies for various applications.

We accompany you 24 hours a day on all continents, both in industrialized countries and in emerging markets. We all use infrastructure and products to manufacture Leister devices that are use or contain sensors and components from Axetris. We use toothpaste out of a tube, drink coffee, travel by car, bus and train, drive through tunnels, stop at airports, walk on plastic floors, open food packaging, buy sustainably farmed fish, use cloud services with modern data centers and enjoy a clean and safe environment.

We for you.

Even in extraordinary times, our companies make an important contribution worldwide to supply the population and the economy with various essential products and services.

In addition to our business activities, we also care about the environment and social engagement. We are committed to this through the Leister Foundation and activities in our companies.

Leister. We for you. – We make contributions to improve quality of life around the world.